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Frequently asked questions about slide scannig

What is slide scanning?

Slide scanning is the art of converting old slides into digital formats. Using state-of-the-art technology, your slides are scanned and converted into digital images, which can then be transferred to CD, USB or turned into photo prints. 

How much does it cost to convert slides to photos?

You can convert slides to photos from just £2.50, but the price depends on the size of photo print you’d like to process. Below is a full price table for our slide and photo scanning services:

Service 6x4” Print 7x5” Print 8x6” Print CD
Prints From Slide £2.50 £3.00 £3.50 +£3.00
Prints From Print £1.99 £2.50 £2.99 +£3.00
Convert Slides/Photos to CD 70p per scan + £3.00
Convert Slides/Photo to USB 70p per scan + £35 (on 32GB USB) or £55 (on 128GB USB)

Why convert old slides and photos to digital?

Converting old slides to photos and digital help preserve them forever. All slides will deteriorate over time, so transferring them onto digital formats ensures that you don’t lose them forever, whilst prints from slides are great for saving and sharing with family members.